Development : Research Link Australia

About Research Link Australia

Bridging the gap between industry and interconnected academic research, publications, communities, researchers and funding initiatives.

Research Link Australia is a new service of the Australian Research Data Commons (ARDC). The ARDC is supported by the Australian Government through the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy Program.

Research Link Australia helps you discover information on research collaboration and research capabilities to enhance connections between academic research, industry applications, and funding initiatives.

Research Link Australia platform aims to:

  • improve visibility and connectivity of government initiatives, R&D capability and collaboration opportunities from both publicly funded research organisations and industry/business sectors,
  • enhance the success of all services and activities that are linking universities and research organisations, businesses, industry and government, through access to richer information.

Research Link Australia helps researchers and publicly funded research organisations to find industry partners for translating their research discovery into the development of real world products, or vice versa, to help industry to find research collaborators to enhance their R&D capabilities.

Research Link Australia Development Principles

The following key principles have shaped and continue to guide the development of the Research Link Australia platform:

  • Consultative approach: The project team has consulted individuals from universities, government agencies and industry to understand their need and use cases for the platform.
  • Co-design approach: The project team has organised four workshops to discuss issues related to the platform development such as information governance and standards, sustainability and service models of the platform.

The project team will continue the above activities and engage stakeholders to get feedback for evolving the platform.

The current platform is a Minimum Viable Product - a Beta version, and will keep being improved further. Your feedback is important for us to improve the platform and make it useful for you and other intended users.